
Showing posts from December, 2021

Braedon #14

  I think that restaurants and fast food places should stop using plastic straws because the polluting the ocean The amount of rubbish and trash they are in the ocean right now is unbelievable I mean have you seen the video with the turtle they had to pull a straw out of his nose and so many turtles are dying by eating plastic bags thinking the plastic bag is a jellyfish 70.6 billion pounds of  rubbish are found in the oceans each year there is 57000 Blue whales combined I think they should have paper straws because they dissolve quicker.

Danielle - #14

   We can stop climate change! Instead of using plastic bags or paper  bags start using these they are  really strong and they are reusable  they could probably hold like 10 rocks in one bag. I have 3 reasons why these bags are really good and why you should get them. 1st they aren't made out of trees 2nd they aren't plastic or paper 3rd they have pictures on them and they look cool. so for a small way of making a difference because the world needs improvements so we start with little things it's only the little things the count