Audric#39 I just had to see what was inside...

 I slipped through the thick mud, dirt smudging and grit grinding in my teeth. Tackle rugby in Winter isn’t the easiest sport to play when the field is painted brown. Our coach is so strict, that he made us play the final match of the season in centimetres deep of mud! I get up to see our star of the team kick the ball in the goal as we win the match! After the match, the coach had a big smile on his face (Which doesn’t happen often.) and carried in a box. I just had to see what was inside...


  1. Hello Audric!
    Your description of being in the mud (“dirt smudging” “grit grinding”) and the field (“painted brown”) really created a vivid image in my mind. If you had more words to use, I wonder what creative description you would use to describe the box the coach had…
    Keep writing!
    Francine (Team 100)
    Twin Cities, Minnesota USA


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